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Berghsstudenter är finalister i Fight Gunfire with Fire

Förra året gick The One Club, arrangörerna för tävlingen One Show, ut med en extrabrief gällande vapenvåldet i USA. Noah, Sofia och Rikard som går andra året på på Berghs heltidsprogram Art Director/Copywriter lyckades bli finalister med sitt bidrag "Google Street Stories".

Skrivet av David Lindh
Januari 24, 2019

Så här lät formuleringen gällande problemet med vapenvåld som The One Club gick ut med:

"America has a gun violence epidemic that is unique in the world. We haven’t been able to work toward a solution because we are stuck in a cycle of inaction. A frenzy of demand for change, a polarized public debate, a shift in focus to whatever is next. The world wants a silver bullet we can rally around. But in reality, it’s a web of interrelated issues, each needing to be addressed and targeted for change."

Briefen löd:


"With so many issues, we need many silver bullets. This is not about finding one big, innovative, disruptive idea; it’s about finding another, and another, and another, and another. You are the creative force who will keep the pressure on, who will make sure that momentum is never lost. To solve this problem, we must overwhelm the problem. So that’s what we’re going to do. There are no categories. There are no fees. If you come up with a good idea, go online and submit it. No physical materials need to be sent. All entries will be judged digitally. We need your help. Let’s make a change."


Sofia Gustafsson (Art Director)
Noah Bramme (Copywriter)
Rikard Köhler (Designer)


Gruppen berättar: "Med vårt case Google Street Stories vill vi visa människorna bakom vapenvåldet i USA och på så sätt förmänskliga statistiken som ofta kan vara svår att ta till sig."