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Case study: Wasa kredit

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I det här examensprojektet fick studenterna bita i uppgiften att öka Wasa kredits kundgrupp genom att skapa en kampanj riktad mot hantverkare och att genom denna, nå dem i ett tidigare skede i deras kundresa än vanligt.


Wasa Kredit is a finance company that offers leasing and installment financing through partners or directly to corporate customers. Wasa Kredit also offers loans and credit card solutions to private individuals.


Increase the number of customers by reaching the target audience - craftsmen - in an earlier phase of the customer journey than they do currently, and thereby get Wasa Kredit to be associated with car leasing rather than just financing.


Based on the insight that the car is one of craftsmens’ most important tools, as well as their biggest headache due to the administration that comes along, we introduced the concept Wasabilen. The solution includes a product development in the form of a mobile application connected to additional hardware in the cars, as well as a modernization of the website. These elements form the core of our concept. Wasabilen is the next generation of car leasing, which adds value for the target audience. With a digital driver's log, Wasabilen enables craftsmen to get more time, instead of administration.


Alva Mardell (Project Manager)
Camilla Herlin (Strategist)
Dennis Palm (Digital Strategist)
Dian Valencia Martinez (Public Relations)
Michaela Zetterström (UX/UI-Designer)