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Francois Grouiller celebrates the hacking spirit

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This morning Francois Grouiller, Global Brand Strategy Director at Goodby, Silverstein & Partners, visited Berghs to host a breakfast seminar on the topic ”Celebrating the hacking spirit”.

November 17, 2011

The idea of “hacking” has become trendy. One of the suggested solutions at Brand X this autumn was called “Hack life”. Facebook publicly declared hacking their main philosophy. Journalists use and abuse the term whenever they can and activists around the world claim its revolutionary power. But what does it really mean?

In this breakfast seminar, Francois Groullier shared case studies from history, architecture, gardening, education (and, of course, advertising) that showed the power of human ingenuity at work, when it comes to re-enchanting the world. How can the ad community leverage this new force to make breakthrough creative work?

Francois Grouiller is a brand strategist with a digital background and a creative mind. Francois believes his job is to create relevancy and help brands move at the speed of culture – sometimes even faster. Since 2008 he has been leading the global brand strategy for HP at Goodby, Silverstein and Partners, in San Francisco. He is the co-creator of the DoTank, an innovation project that aims at developing internal talents and helping them prototype experimental “communication objects”. He’s been a guest lecturer at Berkley’s Sloan School of Business, VCU Brandcenter, Miami Ad School and has spoken at The OneClub and Cannes Lions Festival. His work has won all kinds of glittery metal, including, among others, Cannes, Clios, OneShow and EFFIE.

Watch the full breakfast seminar with Francois Grouiller in Open Class