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Kick Off 2010 – 2nd Year Students

Back from summer holidays and back to business for our second year students.
The semester’s first week is devoted to a kick off project when the second year classes Graphic Design and Advertising are working together with a given brief. Active Philanthropy and Ideo flew in to present a brief to Berghs’ students.
Michael Alberg-Seberich, Executive Partner and Felicitas von Peter, Managing Partner at Active Philanthropy came to Berghs to tell the students about the independent charitable platform.
- Active Philanthropy helps people who don’t know where to put their money. We want to contribute to a new culture of giving in Europe. People who can, shall donate more, know where their money go and how the resources can make the biggest difference possible.
Michael Alberg-Seberich, Executive Partner Active Philathropy is listening to the students' ideas.
Engaged philanthropy gets people involved and focuses on social investment with an active strategy attached to it, rather than traditional charity.
The foundation of the project at Berghs is a project with the design and innovation consulting firm Ideo. Jessie Cuts, Communications Designer at Ideo came to deliver the brief.
The briefing was followed with an extensive workshop when the students got to employ Ideo’s methodology, processing ideas really forward. Students had to come up with innovative aspects on the use of a wallet and Jessie was pleased with the students’ effort.
- I think what the students practice the most in this workshop is to learn to design for somebody else. When you work with design you’re not only designing because of your own desire to design, but you’re designing to meet somebody else’s requirements.
Students presenting their ideas on a wallet.
Active Philathropy's main target audience is those with the greatest financial and intellectual potential to create social change: entrepreneurial families in Europe that are willing to make a real commitment in financial assets, time, energy and become personally involved in their philanthropy.
By communicating new forms of giving and telling stories of pioneers, the partners aim to further activate the target audience and convince donors of more strategic and personal philanthropic engagement.
September 9 the student groups are presenting their work to the client.