Berghs School of Communication
Den här artikeln är producerad av Berghs redaktion. Berghs redaktion består av medarbetare på Berghs kommunikationsavdelning, Berghs Communications, samt gästskribenter, lärare och studenter. This content is produced by Berghs.
Inlägg av Berghs School of Communication
Berghs avslutning 2011
På självaste avslutningsdagen bjöds det på bästa tänkbara väder.
Nytt team ansvarar för Reklam - art director/copywriter
Fredrik Heghammar, Perfect Fools och Glen Ekelund, Loco People tar i höst över som nytt ansvarigt team för Diplomutbildningen Reklam.
Ann Westfelt teamar upp med Peter Kamstedt på diplomutbildningen Interactive Communication
Berghs rekryterar ytterligare en ämnesansvarig för diplomutbildningen Interactive Communication.
EMERGE - 12 nya fotografer träder fram på Galleri Kontrast
Studenterna på Berghs ettåriga fotoutbildning Bilder Nordic School of Photography bjuder in till slututställning med vernissage 25 maj på Galleri Kontrast i Stockholm.
Maurício Mota Speaks Of Transmedia Storytelling At Berghs
Never underestimate the power of a good story!
Fyra pennor till Berghsstudenter i One Show 2011
2 silver och 2 brons plockades hem av Berghs studenter under One Show College Competition 2011 i New York.
Innovation from Berghs students Kikki and Johan attracts attention.
On Friday, Kikki Tham Sterner and Johan Ollas up-loaded their innovation project and Future Lions Competition 2011-entry on Vimeo and the very next day, the innovation has spread on twitter and been featured in a French blog.
Läs mer →Eurobest loved Don’t Tell Ashton
Students from the Interactive Communication class at Berghs were honored with gold at Eurobest in Hamburg.
Läs mer →What would you do if you weren't afraid of failure?
Could have, might have, should have.
Läs mer →Taking on Ikea brief at Berghs
19 students from Johnson & Wales University, Rhode Island, USA are at Berghs for two weeks to take on a brief from Ikea restaurants.
Norway likes Berghs Interactive
The competition Gullkalven isopen to Norwegian students in and out of Norway's borders.
Robert Bau: Design Equals Business Value
Meet Robert Bau, a man of many tasks and a clear goal: to raise awareness of why Design Management is such a decisive aspect of business value.
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