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Ear Candy: Our favourite podcasts of 2020

If there was a year that needed something good to stick in our ears, and escape reality, it’s this year. You know why. But we’re not going to dwell on that bit. Instead, we’re going to give you our top podcasts of the year, from the team at Berghs.
So if you’re in need of a good laugh on a walk in the park, something a little more intellectually challenging than the dishes you need to wash, or just want to feel like you’re hanging out with friends, there’s something here that you’ll love.
Culture Call
A bright look at the world from the culture editors at the Financial Times. Each episode jumps into a juicy area of human expressions, from an excellent briefing on Ai Weiwei (China’s most influential artist) to how New Yorker cartoonists find their voice and their confidence. There’s also a great series about how the pandemic is changing the arts and culture world.
The Urbanist
We know what you’re thinking, but it’s a joy to escape the grind of urban life with this podcast from Monocle. The Urbanist guides us through how mayors, planners and architects are making cities better for people through technology, better transportation, and carefully curated fast and slow areas. There’s a string of unique accents and perspectives as you get a real global perspective.
IDEO Futures
An excellent podcast where the power of design meets the energy of entrepreneurs. It’s a curious mix of art and science that lets people tell their story of bringing the best ideas into the world. So get tips from the brains behind JetBlue, Stanford University, and Women’s football in Kenya, you’re sure to pick up some gold.
The Daily
We must admit, this podcast from the New York Times hasn’t always been the most effortless podcast to listen to this year. But with the chaos of the US elections behind us and a vaccine ahead of us, it’s getting back to it’s usual brilliant in-depth and playful analysis behind the things making the news. And the host’s voice is just amazing.
How Did This Get Made?
A hilarious and insightful look at the worst movies ever made. Each episode challenges the group to be tortured by a terrible movie and come back to discuss. The results are always fun and enlightening. So if you’re happy to stick the knife into stinkers like Face Off, Grease 2, Fast Five, or Con Air - you’ll love this podcast. And trust us, it will make you a more educated cinema fan.
Ologies with Alie Ward
We love this podcast almost as much as we’re jealous of the host. Who doesn’t want to sit down with super smart people and ask them some dumb questions? It’s all good fun and insightful. So if you’ve been looking for a Condorologist to answer questions about birds of prey. Or a Fulminolist because you’ve got questions about lightning, then stick this in your ears and enjoy the ride.
Food by Design
A great podcast from IDEO who looks at the world’s food systems and doesn’t always like what it sees. Instead, it brings in a range of experts, foodies, and farmers to find ways to resign the way food gets to us in a way that’s better for us, and for the planet. It’s perfect for those that are deep into the foodtech world, or just want to eat better - in every way.
We love that this wildly enjoyable podcast feels like a great way to improve your professional knowledge. It’s a podcast that looks at the rich (and sometimes strange) history of advertising since World War 2. It’s a great tour that moves nice and quick over an eight-episode series. Short and very sharp.
This list goes on…
Unlocking Us - Apple Podcasts Spotify
On Being With Krista Tippet - Apple Podcasts Spotify
Dying For Sex - Apple Podcasts Spotify
What’s your favourite?
So that’s what’s been keeping us happy this year. It’s truly a golden age of podcasts. We’d really love to know what your favourite. So let us know! Shoot us an email, or hit us up on Instagram.
Happy listening!