Speaker Application: Berghs Unconference:AI, April 3rd 2025

Speaker Application: Berghs Unconference:AI

We’re excited to announce the 4th edition of Unconference:AI at Berghs – and we’re now opening up for speakers! Just take a minute to fill in the form.

3 April
10:00 – 18:00
Berghs School of Communication, Bobergsgatan, Stockholm, Sverige
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We’re excited to announce the 4th edition of Unconference:AI at Berghs  – and we’re now opening up for speakers! Just take a minute to fill in the form.

We have an increasing demand for AI courses. As we keep developing more specialized and narrow courses, drilling deeper into the use and knowledge of AI, we are still curious and learning how to apply and use new tools. We are not alone in this – the communication space has seen new possibilities, career shifts, and applications we couldn’t have imagined a few years ago. It’s often not the flashy films, voice clones, or advanced analysis skills that amaze us and give us an AHA moment, but the way AI helps us improve everyday tasks: cleaning up Excel sheets, summarizing meetings, and delivering concise bullet points that satisfy our brain’s cognitive muscle.

So, we’re doing it again. We invite all of you to share your learnings and experiences. For one day, we’re opening Berghs for the 4th edition of Unconference:AI. This time, we’ve learned to give more space for spontaneous meetings and reflections, but we keep co-creating the event using the same guardrails.

Time: Thursday April 3rd, 10-16.00

Location: Berghs School of Communication, Bobergsgatan 48 Stockholm

Speaker registration due by February 31st

An Unconference is created together with the participants. We have simple rules for speakers, and all you have to do is fill in the form. We will get back to you regarding your speaking request as soon as we can. We’re opening up the site for registration to attend and listen in March.Simple rules for our Unconference:

  • Lectures are 10 or 20 minutes
  • Workshops are 40 minutes
  • We do not sell from the stage, we share knowledge
  • We are curious and exploratory
  • We have no moderators, and you are responsible for your own time
  • No panels, as they are boring

Welcome to submit your contribution. Write the title, a brief description, duration, and who you/you are. Also tell us how we can contact you. Those who get a speaking slot will also be invited to our pre-meeting at Berghs-  where all speakers share knowledge and maybe find collaborations. Together we set the final program.

Apply here

Go to the form